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Here's a start for SHIP and LIGHTS Pictures...More to come as I have time!
Note...all ships are available on video as well. Shots listed here are the "Best Ones" of the listed vessels.
If interested, email and I can get you some lists of specific shots.
Prices for 4"x6" prints are $1.50 US (SALE!!! $1.00 each)+ postage - Inquire on other sizes! Prints are available from 4"x6" to Poster size. Unfortunately, we DO NOT have SLIDES for sale, although some prints will be taken off of slides
BULK DISCOUNTS do apply - inquire!
Buy a bunch and save on the postage!
If from Canada...Make sure you read policy on the "Items for Sale Page" please.


ONBOARD: M/V Ira (Monrovia, Liberia)
Location: Oswego, NY
Cargo: Aluminum Ingots
Date: 08 August 1999

1. Standing next to name on dock looking towards stern.
2. At the stern (on dock) looking towards bow.
3. Pic from dock of bow and name "IRA".
4. View of stern from dock with name, flag, country, etc.
5. Me onboard showing all hardware from center of ship forward.
6. View of spare prop and flag - OSW pier light in distance.
7. Na-Cheeki The radioman) in front of bridge, able to see whole deck of ship, and holds.
8. Spare prop & extra parts on deck.
9. View from deck towards stern seeing superstructure with hatch door open.
10. Looking into hold #4 at Aluminum Ingots, frominside hold (~750kg each)
11. Looking down through hatch from main deck at ingots.
12. View from bridge over deck of ship (cranes, hatches open, equip. etc)
13. View as #12, but more obtuse angle.
14. Radio Room door in both English and Greek
15. View of the bridge controls.
16. Stack & looking out over harbor towards lighthouse - taken from bridge level - WAY UP!

Season: 1999-2000

1. Sunset from deck (St. Mary's River)
2.Caterpillar Generator in engine Room
3. Engine Room (Starboard Side)
4. Main Outboard Engine (Starboard Side)
5. 16,000 GPM Ballast Pump
6. Main Conrol Panel (Engine Room)
7. Machine Shop - Engine Room.
8. Steering Gear for Stdbd side (shows 6 degree Rt. Rudder set).
9. Blue Water Bridge fromt he stern.
10. Lightship HURON from deck
11. SAGINAW being repainted from the deck.
12. ALGORAIL from the deck.
13. View from the bow towards stern on deck.
14. ALGORIVER from deck.
16. Unloading TAC (lorain) & AMERICAN REPUBLIC in background.
17. Stern shot from pier with Unloading boom extended.
18. MIDDLETOWN from the deck.
19. ECPINS Navigation tool (bridge use) shows course on L. Superior.
20. Wheelsman at the controls in the bridge.
21. OGLEBAY NORTON name boards.
22. Shot looking from wheelhouse over deck towards bow.
23. Ice in Duluth Harbor from deck.
24. Ice in Duluth/Superior-some deck equip. visible.
25. Sunrise overlooking deck from wheelhouse.
26. Ice & Sbow on deck looking from SU Platform.
27. MIDDLETOWN entering Soo Locks on our port, snow & ice on deck - from SU Platform.
28. Spray coming over bow - rough day-L. Superior-from SU Platform.
29. Coming into Soo Locks.
30. The MIDDLETOWN from the deck.
31. VALLEY CAMP from the deck (mueseum boat).
32. Unloading Tunnel - below deck.
33. Hyraulic operated gate for each hatch - empties onto unloading belt.
34. *RARE* Engineer working INSIDE reduction gear - Rare-opened only once a year!
35. *RARE*The Reduction Gear itself - Rare - only opened once a year.
36. Turbines.
37. Auxillary Caterpillar Generator.


1. Wm. G. Mather Bow.
2. Forward end - looking back on the deck.
3. Ship's Wheel in the pilothouse.
4. Shot of the deck from pilot house, looking aft.
5. The Pilot House
6. Guest Cabin-private one.
7. Forward Anchor Windlass Machine - below deck.
8. Clevland Cliffs stack and stern of the MATHER

Various Ships at Work:

Algobay (4 diff)
Algocape: (8 diff)
Algocen: (3 diff)
Algosoo (Panoramic)
Alam Sejathera: (5 Diff incl. unloading by scoop and cruising)
Appalachee (5 diff - incl. 1 at sunset)
Atlantis Spirit (4 diff - incl. unloading ingots) C:
CSL Niagara - 2nd Voyage (4 diff)
CSL Niagara - 2nd Voyage passing Catherine Desagnes (2 diff)
Catherine Desagnes
Catherine Desagnes Passing CSL Niagara(2 diff)
Canadian Century
Canadian Navigator (3 diff)
Canadian Progress (3 diff)
Capt. Alix (2 diff)

Derrick Crane Barge
Donald Sea (3 diff)

English River - Old Colors (10 diff)
English River - New Colors (2nd trip) - (3 diff)


USS Fahrion (see also military)- Onboard (5 diff)


GLT/VanDekort Tug - Delivery Voyage - has delivery tugs towing (2 diff)
GLT/VanDekort Tug - Delivery Voyage, but no delivery tugs visible
HMCS Toronto - Frigate (4) - See Military.
Ira - See "Onboard Pix" above for description (MANY)
Island Duchess with Rock Island Light on Background.

James E. McGrath - Tied Up
James Norris
Jean Parisien

Kiyi (4 diff)
Koziol (USACE)
Lamda - unloading Aluminum (2 diff), Tied up (2 diff)
Lake Carling (4 diff - one with pilot change)
LT-5 (The Nash) - Last Vessel surviving from Normandy Invasion (3 Diff - one at sunset)
Mantadoc (4 diff)
Margaret Moran
Menominee (4 diff - including old name "see through" on stern)
Montrealis - silouette with reflection at sunset - gold sky - NEAT!
Oglebay Norton - ONBOARD - see above (~40 all over ship
Palmetto - in dry dock - up close
Pany R (2 diff)
Pintail with duck foreground, pilot change, Ferry passing, other foregrounds
PWDD - Canadian Provider & McGrath
PWDD - Tadoussac & CSL Niagara new building
Rachel B.
Saturn (2 diff)
Seba M - anchored - longest Salty to ever stay in Seaway on one trip (103 days)
Stephen B. Roman - unloading (2 diff) - up close
Salt - Huge pile of "Blue Salt" dumped from the Jackman
Ship Silhoutte - "A distance Ship Smokes on the Horizon" - orange sky
HMCS Toronto (#333) - Frigate (4 Diff) - See Military
William J. Mather - Onboard - See above (10 diff)
Shipping Other & Miscellaneous:
Tug - Unknown in NYS Dry Dock
Various Tugs & Tenders NYS Dry Dock & Layup
Lock 5 & 6 Pool (empty in winter)(view each direction) - WC

Lighthouse Pictures:

Oswego Harbor Light - Day and Sunset - Up Close and with Harbor Foreground (Multiple)
Charlotte/Genesee (Multiple Angles, Seasons and Views)
Port Dalhouise, ON - Entrance Light
Sodus Point - Original
Sodus Point - "New" - Present Day
Stony Point, NY (3 diff)
Stony Poiny Lighthouse USLHS Bell - date 1923
Lighthouse Statue - Breitbeck Park - Oswego, NY
Lighted Buoys Lined up on shore for layup - perspective shot (each about 12 feet tall).
Rock Island, NY - from water
30 Mile Point Light, NY
Selkirk Light - Winter
Salem, MA Light (3 diff)
Tibbetts Point Light - Day - Multiple
Tibbetts Point Light - Night (Lit) (2 diff)
Tibbetts Point Light Air Compressor Boiler
Tibbetts Point Keepers House
Montauk Point, NY

WC-Welland Canal
LE-Lake Erie
LH-Lake Huron
LS-Lake Superior
LO-Lake Ontario
PO-Port of Oswego, NY
SLR-Saint Lawrence River
AO-Atlantic Ocean


How many are docking here?